Reflections on Leadership and Autonomy in the Existing of “Live Institutions” in the “Live Networks” of Health Care
Complex Thought, Systems, Networks, Life, Resilience, Anti-fragility, Leadership, Autonomy, Learning, Transcendence, Regulation, Health Services AdministrationAbstract
A “living institution”, in a “living network”, must manifest the quality of “living network of itself”, contributing to life in the networks to which it belongs, fostering and moving in a “living system”. Its flow and reflux of information is important for the self-regulation that comes with learning, in the face of the challenges of unpredictability and impermanence. This is a reflection study, based on phenomenology as a philosophical theoretical basis, in addition to the authors' perception of the topics covered. To remain alive, the institution, more than strengthening patterns and structures, must be able to create patterns and structures, gaining flexibility, adaptability and anti-fragility. What is needed is a distributed leadership that is articulated on top of mobilizing and collaborative consensuses, without losing its own autonomy; that subtly form and control autonomous and motivated teams that are capable of self-organization and transcendence, of taking initiatives based on a quality internal dialogue, taking risks, innovating and transferring their learning; who does not command, but seeks consensus, does not castrate, does not inhibit, does not restrict; who guides, encourages and convinces, who does not want to appear and is always open to dialogue; able to promote his team's dialogue with silence.
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