Profile and Seasonality of Frequent Users in the Mobile Emergency Care Service
Emergency, Frequent patients, OvercrowdingAbstract
Objective: To analyze the profile and seasonality of frequent users of the Prehospital Emergency Care Service. Methodology: Descriptive-exploratory, quantitative research, carried out through the analysis of the records of the treatments carried out between 06/01/2018 to 05/31/2019 by a Prehospital Emergency Care. Results: During the study period, there were 7621 treatments in the service, and 6557 were included in the study. Frequent users, those attended more than once by the service, were identified in 2012 cases (30.68%). The mean age of these patients was 53.29 years and the majority were female (55.07%). The main demand was due to clinical complaints (72.14%), followed by psychiatric complaints (16.94%). Clinical and psychiatric complaints were prevalent, respectively, in the morning and afternoon (p < 0.0001) and in winter and spring (p = 0.0030). Increasing age was shown to be a risk factor for clinical complaints (OR = 1.040) and a protective factor for psychiatric complaints (OR = 0.971). Conclusion: The frequent visits were mostly of a clinical and psychiatric nature. There was a relationship between time of day in psychiatric consultations, with increasing age being a protective factor in these cases, and seasonality with clinical cases, with increasing age being a risk factor.Downloads
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