Revista Chronos Urgência is now a member of the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors (ABEC-BRASIL)


The Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors (ABEC-BRASIL) aims to bring together individuals and companies interested in developing and improving the publication of technical-scientific periodicals; improve communication and dissemination of information; maintain the exchange of ideas, debate problems and defend common interests.

It offers important services to magazines, the main one being the assignment of the DOI prefix of the associated Magazines through the Represented Member Agreement, made by ABEC/CrossRef/IBICT. After issuing the DOI prefix and publishing the first articles, members can request access to the Similarity Check system, which allows access to the iThenticate system for verification of manuscript similarities.

Chronos Urgência Magazine has been associated with ABEC-BRASIL since April 5, 2021, having received access to the CrossRef similarity verification mechanism on August 4, 2021.


Associação Brasileira de Editores CientíficosCrossref DOI

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